declare global { interface Window { PhotoSwipe: any; PhotoSwipeUI_Default: any } } interface PhotoSwipeItem { w: number; h: number; src: string; msrc: string; title?: string; el: HTMLElement; } class StackGallery { private galleryUID: number; private items: PhotoSwipeItem[] = []; constructor(container: HTMLElement, galleryUID = 1) { if (window.PhotoSwipe == undefined || window.PhotoSwipeUI_Default == undefined) { console.error("PhotoSwipe lib not loaded."); return; } this.galleryUID = galleryUID; StackGallery.createGallery(container); this.loadItems(container); this.bindClick(); } private loadItems(container: HTMLElement) { this.items = []; const figures = container.querySelectorAll('figure'); for (const el of figures) { const figcaption = el.querySelector('figcaption'), img = el.querySelector('img'); let aux: PhotoSwipeItem = { w: parseInt(img.getAttribute('width')), h: parseInt(img.getAttribute('height')), src: img.src, msrc: img.getAttribute('data-thumb') || img.src, el: el } if (figcaption) { aux.title = figcaption.innerHTML; } this.items.push(aux); } } public static createGallery(container: HTMLElement) { const figuresEl = container.querySelectorAll('figure'); let currentGallery = []; for (const figure of figuresEl) { if (!currentGallery.length) { /// First iteration currentGallery = [figure]; } else if (figure.previousElementSibling === currentGallery[currentGallery.length - 1]) { /// Adjacent figures currentGallery.push(figure); } else if (currentGallery.length) { /// End gallery StackGallery.wrap(currentGallery); currentGallery = [figure]; } } if (currentGallery.length > 0) { StackGallery.wrap(currentGallery); } } /** * Wrap adjacent figure tags with * @param figures */ public static wrap(figures: HTMLElement[]) { const galleryContainer = document.createElement('div'); galleryContainer.className = 'gallery'; const parentNode = figures[0].parentNode, first = figures[0]; parentNode.insertBefore(galleryContainer, first) for (const figure of figures) { galleryContainer.appendChild(figure); } } public open(index: number) { const pswp = document.querySelector('.pswp') as HTMLDivElement; const ps = new window.PhotoSwipe(pswp, window.PhotoSwipeUI_Default, this.items, { index: index, galleryUID: this.galleryUID, getThumbBoundsFn: (index) => { const thumbnail = this.items[index].el.getElementsByTagName('img')[0], pageYScroll = window.pageYOffset || document.documentElement.scrollTop, rect = thumbnail.getBoundingClientRect(); return { x: rect.left, y: + pageYScroll, w: rect.width }; } }); ps.init(); } private bindClick() { for (const [index, item] of this.items.entries()) { const a = item.el.querySelector('a'); a.addEventListener('click', (e) => { e.preventDefault();; }) } } } export default StackGallery;