/*! * Hugo Theme Stack * * @author: Jimmy Cai * @website: https://jimmycai.com * @link: https://github.com/CaiJimmy/hugo-theme-stack */ import StackGallery from "ts/gallery"; import { getColor } from 'ts/color'; import menu from 'ts/menu'; import createElement from 'ts/createElement'; import StackColorScheme from 'ts/colorScheme'; let Stack = { init: () => { /** * Bind menu event */ menu(); const articleContent = document.querySelector('.article-content') as HTMLElement; if (articleContent) { new StackGallery(articleContent); } /** * Add linear gradient background to tile style article */ const articleTile = document.querySelector('.article-list--tile'); if (articleTile) { let observer = new IntersectionObserver(async (entries, observer) => { entries.forEach(entry => { if (!entry.isIntersecting) return; observer.unobserve(entry.target); const articles = entry.target.querySelectorAll('article.has-image'); articles.forEach(async articles => { const image = articles.querySelector('img'), imageURL = image.src, key = image.getAttribute('data-key'), hash = image.getAttribute('data-hash'), articleDetails: HTMLDivElement = articles.querySelector('.article-details'); const colors = await getColor(key, hash, imageURL); articleDetails.style.background = ` linear-gradient(0deg, rgba(${colors.DarkMuted.rgb[0]}, ${colors.DarkMuted.rgb[1]}, ${colors.DarkMuted.rgb[2]}, 0.5) 0%, rgba(${colors.Vibrant.rgb[0]}, ${colors.Vibrant.rgb[1]}, ${colors.Vibrant.rgb[2]}, 0.75) 100%)`; }) }) }); observer.observe(articleTile) } /** * Add copy button to code block */ const codeBlocks = document.querySelectorAll('.article-content .highlight'); const copyText = `Copy`, copiedText = `Copied!`; codeBlocks.forEach(codeBlock => { const copyButton = document.createElement('button'); copyButton.innerHTML = copyText; copyButton.classList.add('copyCodeButton'); codeBlock.appendChild(copyButton); const pre = codeBlock.getElementsByTagName('pre'); const code = pre[0].textContent; copyButton.addEventListener('click', () => { navigator.clipboard.writeText(code) .then(() => { copyButton.textContent = copiedText; setTimeout(() => { copyButton.textContent = copyText; }, 1000); }) .catch(err => { alert(err) console.log('Something went wrong', err); }); }); }); new StackColorScheme(document.getElementById('dark-mode-toggle')); } } window.addEventListener('load', () => { setTimeout(function () { Stack.init(); }, 0); }) declare global { interface Window { createElement: any; Stack: any } } window.Stack = Stack; window.createElement = createElement;