baseurl: languageCode: en-us theme: hugo-theme-stack paginate: 5 title: Example Site # Change it to your Disqus shortname before using disqusShortname: hugo-theme-stack # GA Tracking ID googleAnalytics: # Theme i18n support # Available values: en, fr, id, ja, ko, pt-br, zh-cn, es, de, nl, it DefaultContentLanguage: en permalinks: post: /p/:slug/ page: /:slug/ params: mainSections: - post featuredImageField: image rssFullContent: true favicon: footer: since: 2020 customText: dateFormat: published: Jan 02, 2006 lastUpdated: Jan 02, 2006 15:04 MST sidebar: emoji: 🍥 subtitle: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. avatar: enabled: true local: true src: img/avatar.png article: math: false toc: true readingTime: true license: enabled: true default: Licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 comments: enabled: true provider: disqus disqusjs: shortname: apiUrl: apiKey: admin: adminLabel: utterances: repo: issueTerm: pathname label: remark42: host: site: locale: vssue: platform: owner: repo: clientId: clientSecret: autoCreateIssue: false # Waline client configuration see: waline: serverURL: lang: visitor: avatar: emoji: - requiredMeta: - name - email - url placeholder: locale: admin: Admin twikoo: envId: region: path: lang: giscus: repo: repoID: category: categoryID: mapping: lightTheme: darkTheme: reactionsEnabled: 1 emitMetadata: 0 widgets: enabled: - search - archives - tag-cloud archives: limit: 5 tagCloud: limit: 10 opengraph: twitter: # Your Twitter username site: # Available values: summary, summary_large_image card: summary_large_image defaultImage: opengraph: enabled: false local: false src: colorScheme: # Display toggle toggle: true # Available values: auto, light, dark default: auto imageProcessing: cover: enabled: true content: enabled: true ### Custom menu ### See ### To remove about, archive and search page menu item, remove `menu` field from their FrontMatter menu: main: - identifier: home name: Home url: / weight: -100 pre: home params: ### For demonstration purpose, the home link will be open in a new tab newTab: true related: includeNewer: true threshold: 60 toLower: false indices: - name: tags weight: 100 - name: categories weight: 200 markup: tableOfContents: endLevel: 4 ordered: true startLevel: 2 highlight: noClasses: false