
1679 lines
132 KiB
Raw Permalink Normal View History

2024-01-03 07:47:00 +00:00
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(descr "LED SMD 0603 (1608 Metric), square (rectangular) end terminal, IPC_7351 nominal, (Body size source: http://www.tortai-tech.com/upload/download/2011102023233369053.pdf), generated with kicad-footprint-generator")
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(property "Sheetname" "")
(property "ki_description" "Light emitting diode")
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(descr "LED SMD 0603 (1608 Metric), square (rectangular) end terminal, IPC_7351 nominal, (Body size source: http://www.tortai-tech.com/upload/download/2011102023233369053.pdf), generated with kicad-footprint-generator")
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(descr "LED SMD 0603 (1608 Metric), square (rectangular) end terminal, IPC_7351 nominal, (Body size source: http://www.tortai-tech.com/upload/download/2011102023233369053.pdf), generated with kicad-footprint-generator")
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(property "Sheetname" "")
(property "ki_description" "Light emitting diode")
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(descr "LED SMD 0603 (1608 Metric), square (rectangular) end terminal, IPC_7351 nominal, (Body size source: http://www.tortai-tech.com/upload/download/2011102023233369053.pdf), generated with kicad-footprint-generator")
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(property "Sheetname" "")
(property "ki_description" "Light emitting diode")
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(descr "LED SMD 0603 (1608 Metric), square (rectangular) end terminal, IPC_7351 nominal, (Body size source: http://www.tortai-tech.com/upload/download/2011102023233369053.pdf), generated with kicad-footprint-generator")
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(property "Sheetname" "")
(property "ki_description" "Light emitting diode")
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(descr "LED SMD 0603 (1608 Metric), square (rectangular) end terminal, IPC_7351 nominal, (Body size source: http://www.tortai-tech.com/upload/download/2011102023233369053.pdf), generated with kicad-footprint-generator")
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(property "Sheetfile" "led_hoop.kicad_sch")
(property "Sheetname" "")
(property "ki_description" "Light emitting diode")
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(segment (start 174.077133 120.423976) (end 173.304133 121.196976) (width 0.175) (layer "F.Cu") (net 2) (tstamp 94d77146-50df-4234-b6b3-195f6f011a17))
(segment (start 173.304133 121.196976) (end 171.332133 121.196976) (width 0.175) (layer "F.Cu") (net 2) (tstamp bd6ae8d1-99ad-463c-bcb8-2722e3716f6e))
(via (at 159.782133 111.932976) (size 0.4) (drill 0.2) (layers "F.Cu" "B.Cu") (net 2) (tstamp d06ac8b2-d663-455e-937c-467eea19eb94))
(segment (start 154.602133 100.368976) (end 156.090197 101.85704) (width 0.175) (layer "B.Cu") (net 2) (tstamp 40a0139e-7599-4a44-a08d-b2b466ab1cb1))
(segment (start 156.090197 104.568664) (end 158.191633 106.6701) (width 0.175) (layer "B.Cu") (net 2) (tstamp 4530e0e5-77f4-4301-b049-8c93fceac11b))
(segment (start 158.1912 110.342043) (end 159.782133 111.932976) (width 0.175) (layer "B.Cu") (net 2) (tstamp 51f15bb1-1a6a-4df8-81ff-f3a266d7f11d))
(segment (start 158.191633 107.035852) (end 158.1912 107.036285) (width 0.175) (layer "B.Cu") (net 2) (tstamp 5680e19d-fb44-4389-823e-5737173d7470))
(segment (start 158.191633 106.6701) (end 158.191633 107.035852) (width 0.175) (layer "B.Cu") (net 2) (tstamp d00a7cac-c6be-427a-a040-44fe6bc1dce7))
(segment (start 156.090197 101.85704) (end 156.090197 104.568664) (width 0.175) (layer "B.Cu") (net 2) (tstamp d432d566-5c9c-45bf-a0fd-a413929bedf6))
(segment (start 158.1912 107.036285) (end 158.1912 110.342043) (width 0.175) (layer "B.Cu") (net 2) (tstamp eb9e80d9-7cf9-478b-8d04-8673c49e8039))
(segment (start 152.85017 105.55537) (end 152.931834 105.637034) (width 0.175) (layer "F.Cu") (net 3) (tstamp 35dc2ddc-ed74-4831-b2f9-252e64005031))
(segment (start 152.931834 105.865634) (end 155.321 108.2548) (width 0.175) (layer "F.Cu") (net 3) (tstamp 5b1bf3ca-bf32-4af3-93c2-f8abf20674e0))
(segment (start 173.102133 120.398976) (end 173.302133 120.198976) (width 0.175) (layer "F.Cu") (net 3) (tstamp 7df85695-61f5-42d1-9261-32d9e44f75da))
(segment (start 173.302133 119.648976) (end 173.152133 119.498976) (width 0.175) (layer "F.Cu") (net 3) (tstamp 9f503d8a-1ccb-4ee9-b228-099a4d2727d3))
(segment (start 172.702133 120.398976) (end 173.102133 120.398976) (width 0.175) (layer "F.Cu") (net 3) (tstamp a162f64c-cd4c-49ba-8f04-4f96fda4c6b7))
(segment (start 152.706446 103.430446) (end 152.662203 103.430446) (width 0.175) (layer "F.Cu") (net 3) (tstamp b5308dc1-d51e-46a6-8d81-4e257d06d59d))
(segment (start 173.302133 120.198976) (end 173.302133 119.648976) (width 0.175) (layer "F.Cu") (net 3) (tstamp c872c309-67fe-47a2-a2a3-93828ca96aba))
(segment (start 152.931834 105.637034) (end 152.931834 105.865634) (width 0.175) (layer "F.Cu") (net 3) (tstamp da35bb1e-c2fe-4dea-8f7b-4ad4bbbec2c0))
(segment (start 155.321 108.2548) (end 155.321 110.109) (width 0.175) (layer "F.Cu") (net 3) (tstamp dc9cf96a-f1cc-42e6-9d7c-ff806431db80))
(segment (start 152.706446 103.430446) (end 152.85017 103.57417) (width 0.175) (layer "F.Cu") (net 3) (tstamp e0df0d7d-9d18-4ebb-a400-a67c446da13f))
(segment (start 183.404133 117.266976) (end 181.234133 117.266976) (width 0.175) (layer "F.Cu") (net 3) (tstamp ee520702-ada2-4cef-8689-c8538dda97ee))
(segment (start 152.85017 103.57417) (end 152.85017 105.55537) (width 0.175) (layer "F.Cu") (net 3) (tstamp f9d981e8-51ad-4994-ba0d-b2cef428a1e1))
(segment (start 181.234133 117.266976) (end 176.802133 121.698976) (width 0.175) (layer "F.Cu") (net 3) (tstamp ff560754-17c9-4a70-bdd2-f7d05393970f))
(via (at 152.706446 103.430446) (size 0.4) (drill 0.2) (layers "F.Cu" "B.Cu") (net 3) (tstamp 46dbbba3-a19b-4b48-8eb2-20e3a47a59bd))
(via (at 176.802133 121.698976) (size 0.4) (drill 0.2) (layers "F.Cu" "B.Cu") (net 3) (tstamp a1c4867b-526f-448e-b536-6ddb910f9c41))
(via (at 155.321 110.109) (size 0.4) (drill 0.2) (layers "F.Cu" "B.Cu") (net 3) (tstamp bfffe76f-4a23-451a-8569-4882fdd25c9d))
(via (at 172.702133 120.398976) (size 0.4) (drill 0.2) (layers "F.Cu" "B.Cu") (net 3) (tstamp f697870a-fb60-452d-b7c7-cd8673293199))
(segment (start 152.706446 103.430446) (end 153.407916 102.728976) (width 0.175) (layer "B.Cu") (net 3) (tstamp 053f90b4-519a-41bd-a6ef-ee4de6e41473))
(segment (start 165.641912 118.635663) (end 162.149212 118.635663) (width 0.175) (layer "B.Cu") (net 3) (tstamp 09960439-c2bb-4696-afb0-d5520a3494ae))
(segment (start 167.829225 120.822976) (end 165.641912 118.635663) (width 0.175) (layer "B.Cu") (net 3) (tstamp 2f6679c3-ff56-40b2-b670-7a12289630af))
(segment (start 172.024133 121.076976) (end 172.702133 120.398976) (width 0.175) (layer "B.Cu") (net 3) (tstamp 3f0506c5-5ba8-4774-83bb-53cd878d8ab0))
(segment (start 160.366534 116.852985) (end 159.931385 116.852985) (width 0.175) (layer "B.Cu") (net 3) (tstamp 4be4ecef-1dce-41b4-a59b-8f53cd376df4))
(segment (start 172.702133 120.398976) (end 172.702133 120.698976) (width 0.175) (layer "B.Cu") (net 3) (tstamp 56cc1fc5-a7f7-49fd-96cc-080be7200015))
(segment (start 173.389757 121.3866) (end 176.489757 121.3866) (width 0.175) (layer "B.Cu") (net 3) (tstamp 73422e77-9292-4ee7-aaf4-5e081d91010c))
(segment (start 159.209431 113.789769) (end 159.027169 113.789769) (width 0.175) (layer "B.Cu") (net 3) (tstamp 780b50df-fb18-4e30-838e-fb5047584ec1))
(segment (start 169.890515 121.076976) (end 172.024133 121.076976) (width 0.175) (layer "B.Cu") (net 3) (tstamp 79a04295-f064-436c-a045-718c53778768))
(segment (start 176.489757 121.3866) (end 176.802133 121.698976) (width 0.175) (layer "B.Cu") (net 3) (tstamp 7d079e67-916c-47e0-a6f4-4eee2fc1582d))
(segment (start 153.407916 102.728976) (end 154.602133 102.728976) (width 0.175) (layer "B.Cu") (net 3) (tstamp 8125ae69-a4b8-4fa1-b898-b14e61f18e85))
(segment (start 168.934534 120.831377) (end 169.132133 121.028976) (width 0.175) (layer "B.Cu") (net 3) (tstamp a1000f9c-0a01-49c4-87f0-5e4dead4d136))
(segment (start 172.702133 120.698976) (end 173.389757 121.3866) (width 0.175) (layer "B.Cu") (net 3) (tstamp a37f3abd-e942-436a-b38d-50198ffd7eed))
(segment (start 155.321 110.0836) (end 155.321 110.0836) (width 0.175) (layer "B.Cu") (net 3) (tstamp a4019e21-b5fa-4459-ab5c-2926c338727d))
(segment (start 155.321 110.109) (end 155.321 110.0836) (width 0.175) (layer "B.Cu") (net 3) (tstamp c608d225-1178-4e36-8ea5-65ea103e4e85))
(segment (start 169.132133 121.028976) (end 169.842515 121.028976) (width 0.175) (layer "B.Cu") (net 3) (tstamp c8f6a0e1-c901-4531-9794-29ed39f561a3))
(segment (start 169.842515 121.028976) (end 169.890515 121.076976) (width 0.175) (layer "B.Cu") (net 3) (tstamp d6e8ea9e-5846-4a9e-a5e0-93a9a1473c9c))
(segment (start 159.209431 116.131031) (end 159.209431 113.789769) (width 0.175) (layer "B.Cu") (net 3) (tstamp d8df291d-6d57-4b8b-83ea-f82116d53355))
(segment (start 159.931385 116.852985) (end 159.209431 116.131031) (width 0.175) (layer "B.Cu") (net 3) (tstamp e8727fa8-8525-4068-9f66-018b830e083a))
(segment (start 159.027169 113.789769) (end 155.3464 110.109) (width 0.175) (layer "B.Cu") (net 3) (tstamp ed2ef055-6744-43c0-a48c-47b6e133d42f))
(segment (start 162.149212 118.635663) (end 160.366534 116.852985) (width 0.175) (layer "B.Cu") (net 3) (tstamp eee96cb0-7863-4474-ba6e-b8cb058cce81))
(segment (start 155.3464 110.109) (end 155.321 110.109) (width 0.175) (layer "B.Cu") (net 3) (tstamp f8f92f54-14ac-48ad-9b67-8ef9bf862929))
(segment (start 168.926133 120.822976) (end 167.829225 120.822976) (width 0.175) (layer "B.Cu") (net 3) (tstamp fc8fa285-f69a-4222-9845-26de8a392e63))
(segment (start 157.002133 106.989533) (end 157.002133 106.698976) (width 0.175) (layer "F.Cu") (net 4) (tstamp 182b47c5-b0ab-4d9d-86ff-f48b179a117a))
(segment (start 172.1612 117.9322) (end 172.594424 117.498976) (width 0.175) (layer "F.Cu") (net 4) (tstamp 2c602d80-6de9-4c7a-8811-7d43df40f8ee))
(segment (start 164.739576 114.726976) (end 157.002133 106.989533) (width 0.175) (layer "F.Cu") (net 4) (tstamp 51445aa0-6ba1-4c4e-91c3-8e80021c8101))
(segment (start 172.594424 117.498976) (end 173.152133 117.498976) (width 0.175) (layer "F.Cu") (net 4) (tstamp 68983e1c-bdbb-4221-a31a-cae90ede1d40))
(segment (start 168.957976 115.998976) (end 167.291633 115.998976) (width 0.175) (layer "F.Cu") (net 4) (tstamp 77680ea0-da94-47f2-b314-986ece5ad489))
(segment (start 166.590343 114.726976) (end 164.739576 114.726976) (width 0.175) (layer "F.Cu") (net 4) (tstamp 7c8ecff1-b0f0-4a53-8046-a2710a91604c))
(segment (start 188.702133 113.098976) (end 180.602133 121.198976) (width 0.175) (layer "F.Cu") (net 4) (tstamp 7cce6095-0989-41e7-aa97-09b000cfa7ec))
(segment (start 170.8912 117.9322) (end 168.957976 115.998976) (width 0.175) (layer "F.Cu") (net 4) (tstamp 82e41d91-52cc-4376-8ef9-895a36efc9f3))
(segment (start 191.589633 109.511476) (end 192.402133 108.698976) (width 0.175) (layer "F.Cu") (net 4) (tstamp 991d70e3-d0e1-48a7-9a6d-1e976c2960d6))
(segment (start 180.602133 121.198976) (end 178.002133 121.198976) (width 0.175) (layer "F.Cu") (net 4) (tstamp b7b662b1-9805-427a-8d70-f793e7d12123))
(segment (start 191.202133 109.511476) (end 191.589633 109.511476) (width 0.175) (layer "F.Cu") (net 4) (tstamp ba7297c3-47e2-4152-b547-e3e806ef6a50))
(segment (start 167.291633 115.998976) (end 167.291633 115.428266) (width 0.175) (layer "F.Cu") (net 4) (tstamp d1c03d3b-175f-4406-993b-5a78e19e7634))
(segment (start 190.002133 113.098976) (end 188.702133 113.098976) (width 0.175) (layer "F.Cu") (net 4) (tstamp e0957671-f051-4644-9780-759d22153496))
(segment (start 167.291633 115.428266) (end 166.590343 114.726976) (width 0.175) (layer "F.Cu") (net 4) (tstamp fb42748d-230a-4315-be5c-8ecab22c2be0))
(segment (start 172.1612 117.9322) (end 170.8912 117.9322) (width 0.175) (layer "F.Cu") (net 4) (tstamp fecba3a2-72fa-4bc8-a6e3-318576ce1cae))
(via (at 172.1612 117.9322) (size 0.4) (drill 0.2) (layers "F.Cu" "B.Cu") (net 4) (tstamp 570892fa-9d32-48f7-9942-44dcb6ab2690))
(via (at 157.002133 106.698976) (size 0.4) (drill 0.2) (layers "F.Cu" "B.Cu") (net 4) (tstamp 6eaad995-3cf1-4f5b-ab8b-a77e0548cf04))
(via (at 192.402133 108.698976) (size 0.4) (drill 0.2) (layers "F.Cu" "B.Cu") (net 4) (tstamp 7bf5ef34-dd2e-469a-b2b4-ab3b2a8c517d))
(via (at 178.002133 121.198976) (size 0.4) (drill 0.2) (layers "F.Cu" "B.Cu") (net 4) (tstamp 8f14d065-6bc3-43bc-bdd4-a9e67fd38ed6))
(via (at 190.002133 113.098976) (size 0.4) (drill 0.2) (layers "F.Cu" "B.Cu") (net 4) (tstamp 95b715fe-1e9e-4461-9f3a-687cc0acfd78))
(segment (start 177.562133 120.822976) (end 177.938133 121.198976) (width 0.175) (layer "B.Cu") (net 4) (tstamp 04cf247a-b36d-4037-8290-1c0e4e8b46cc))
(segment (start 192.402133 110.698976) (end 190.002133 113.098976) (width 0.175) (layer "B.Cu") (net 4) (tstamp 608092be-5b73-40c6-823c-addacedab670))
(segment (start 172.1612 117.9322) (end 172.339 118.11) (width 0.175) (layer "B.Cu") (net 4) (tstamp 7c643100-5ea7-4d23-a16f-d8975285f384))
(segment (start 154.602133 105.088976) (end 156.212133 106.698976) (width 0.175) (layer "B.Cu") (net 4) (tstamp 863f0386-3ff5-4bb0-81a2-d3e5d671518d))
(segment (start 192.402133 108.698976) (end 192.402133 110.698976) (width 0.175) (layer "B.Cu") (net 4) (tstamp 9b5b319a-2673-4591-8068-d010d806bc3c))
(segment (start 175.513157 118.11) (end 177.562133 120.158976) (width 0.175) (layer "B.Cu") (net 4) (tstamp aa7ff4ad-d3c3-45ce-a7c3-ca9b65d142fa))
(segment (start 177.562133 120.158976) (end 177.562133 120.822976) (width 0.175) (layer "B.Cu") (net 4) (tstamp c3d5fd6d-9b41-48df-b161-cf5abce5e008))
(segment (start 177.938133 121.198976) (end 178.002133 121.198976) (width 0.175) (layer "B.Cu") (net 4) (tstamp d8432d14-5e5a-40e8-99c2-5ba96d3aacd7))
(segment (start 156.212133 106.698976) (end 157.002133 106.698976) (width 0.175) (layer "B.Cu") (net 4) (tstamp f1d55438-b9e1-4b6f-93a4-e903cd7d4097))
(segment (start 172.339 118.11) (end 175.513157 118.11) (width 0.175) (layer "B.Cu") (net 4) (tstamp f41c6b88-a311-4228-be40-2140ee697dc4))
(segment (start 175.577133 120.973976) (end 175.577133 120.423976) (width 0.175) (layer "F.Cu") (net 5) (tstamp 12b7db5b-cb09-4fef-8bf5-9ff0181147a8))
(segment (start 156.988133 112.484976) (end 156.988133 108.839424) (width 0.175) (layer "F.Cu") (net 5) (tstamp 22c87285-dfcc-407f-ad82-a94d4d7e1b05))
(segment (start 163.55332 119.050163) (end 156.988133 112.484976) (width 0.175) (layer "F.Cu") (net 5) (tstamp 30cc37c9-a3b8-4e65-aff7-d52199df254f))
(segment (start 153.53913 94.391979) (end 154.302133 93.628976) (width 0.175) (layer "F.Cu") (net 5) (tstamp 334702d3-42a2-4562-b841-0cc39c2de310))
(segment (start 156.988133 108.839424) (end 153.53913 105.390421) (width 0.175) (layer "F.Cu") (net 5) (tstamp 3b3e6583-ffef-41d8-8388-2c34f245fd80))
(segment (start 164.7698 119.38) (end 164.439963 119.050163) (width 0.175) (layer "F.Cu") (net 5) (tstamp a6835bfc-4962-4fc8-9ae0-cf9210d8b1df))
(segment (start 175.530133 121.020976) (end 175.577133 120.973976) (width 0.175) (layer "F.Cu") (net 5) (tstamp d5ab32e0-d90f-430a-9cf2-b02d6bdf71f4))
(segment (start 164.439963 119.050163) (end 163.55332 119.050163) (width 0.175) (layer "F.Cu") (net 5) (tstamp ea17b14f-21a0-4315-8f43-3c69f49907ad))
(segment (start 153.53913 105.390421) (end 153.53913 94.391979) (width 0.175) (layer "F.Cu") (net 5) (tstamp eb2570d8-dbe3-47c7-8a57-63681d778207))
(segment (start 175.530133 122.112976) (end 175.530133 121.020976) (width 0.175) (layer "F.Cu") (net 5) (tstamp fc04c579-0ccf-40d6-abc0-8241b231c90c))
(via (at 164.7698 119.38) (size 0.4) (drill 0.2) (layers "F.Cu" "B.Cu") (net 5) (tstamp 7b8f374e-7c51-4186-b4ba-cf2407bfbd33))
(via (at 175.530133 122.112976) (size 0.4) (drill 0.2) (layers "F.Cu" "B.Cu") (net 5) (tstamp d5ba3979-509b-4afc-a173-1bd7f0ce6deb))
(segment (start 172.388561 122.498976) (end 175.144133 122.498976) (width 0.175) (layer "B.Cu") (net 5) (tstamp 178ad662-d80e-4ab5-a8d3-9027ff0bf403))
(segment (start 171.110694 122.320256) (end 172.051676 122.462344) (width 0.175) (layer "B.Cu") (net 5) (tstamp 1b82f984-7853-41a4-af44-7beedcf26b37))
(segment (start 170.609592 122.223145) (end 171.110694 122.320256) (width 0.175) (layer "B.Cu") (net 5) (tstamp 2417de55-bb4e-41b2-81b1-1b057577b5ab))
(segment (start 164.7698 119.38) (end 165.959157 119.38) (width 0.175) (layer "B.Cu") (net 5) (tstamp 2c60fa73-2cb0-4442-9ab9-d96fbcbde65d))
(segment (start 167.910133 121.330976) (end 169.717423 121.330976) (width 0.175) (layer "B.Cu") (net 5) (tstamp 325ca8a0-b93f-487e-920d-da2a2ca204b4))
(segment (start 165.959157 119.38) (end 167.910133 121.330976) (width 0.175) (layer "B.Cu") (net 5) (tstamp 5d83ed73-1a63-48ce-885b-d3ee8c77e84e))
(segment (start 175.144133 122.498976) (end 175.530133 122.112976) (width 0.175) (layer "B.Cu") (net 5) (tstamp 8ab15d92-fd69-46c6-80d8-159fb165821f))
(segment (start 172.051676 122.462344) (end 172.388561 122.498976) (width 0.175) (layer "B.Cu") (net 5) (tstamp b51fcc71-cd9e-4067-ab23-1ee3f340937d))
(segment (start 169.717423 121.330976) (end 170.609592 122.223145) (width 0.175) (layer "B.Cu") (net 5) (tstamp c9d00512-6c58-4ecc-ae79-cf174f5b5a85))
(segment (start 154.222133 103.578976) (end 153.940133 103.578976) (width 0.175) (layer "F.Cu") (net 6) (tstamp 1382d3f8-3cd0-49a7-952c-496f62119625))
(segment (start 169.358049 120.8278) (end 170.369225 121.838976) (width 0.175) (layer "F.Cu") (net 6) (tstamp 1e1a545c-2684-4946-b509-47d092f37ce0))
(segment (start 153.940133 103.578976) (end 153.940133 105.328976) (width 0.175) (layer "F.Cu") (net 6) (tstamp 1e70f745-897a-43ec-b6e4-8219e5d78268))
(segment (start 174.179225 121.838976) (end 175.077133 120.941068) (width 0.175) (layer "F.Cu") (net 6) (tstamp 27fc5961-4806-48ae-a788-8f9e447c331f))
(segment (start 165.827133 119.623976) (end 166.640133 119.623976) (width 0.175) (layer "F.Cu") (net 6) (tstamp 298141ba-ba5c-4079-872a-0203b8ab17e8))
(segment (start 166.640133 119.623976) (end 167.843957 120.8278) (width 0.175) (layer "F.Cu") (net 6) (tstamp 2f141dcb-ec28-4866-94d6-e99a6f69b4b3))
(segment (start 160.477133 115.373976) (end 161.577133 115.373976) (width 0.175) (layer "F.Cu") (net 6) (tstamp 3d5cd565-49f9-40c9-84ee-cfbab68b8df5))
(segment (start 161.577133 115.373976) (end 165.827133 119.623976) (width 0.175) (layer "F.Cu") (net 6) (tstamp 413d68b4-4e09-427d-aace-7c1bcce614b0))
(segment (start 170.369225 121.838976) (end 174.179225 121.838976) (width 0.175) (layer "F.Cu") (net 6) (tstamp 68518b78-347c-44a6-8ff6-ac647c82f0a2))
(segment (start 166.640133 119.623976) (end 166.716041 119.623976) (width 0.175) (layer "F.Cu") (net 6) (tstamp 6e68f44f-0957-44bc-909f-04572e3e21e1))
(segment (start 157.496133 108.884976) (end 157.496133 112.392976) (width 0.175) (layer "F.Cu") (net 6) (tstamp 91e6c61f-4a07-4d0d-8a73-f36ef94fc0e5))
(segment (start 153.940133 105.328976) (end 157.496133 108.884976) (width 0.175) (layer "F.Cu") (net 6) (tstamp b1a2607e-9874-49d9-a07f-d878652026db))
(segment (start 157.496133 112.392976) (end 160.477133 115.373976) (width 0.175) (layer "F.Cu") (net 6) (tstamp b6df93b8-5c4c-4a77-ab39-743013fd8aea))
(segment (start 175.077133 120.941068) (end 175.077133 120.423976) (width 0.175) (layer "F.Cu") (net 6) (tstamp d3b109d9-1e3f-45bd-b455-cc3784ca0cbe))
(segment (start 167.843957 120.8278) (end 169.358049 120.8278) (width 0.175) (layer "F.Cu") (net 6) (tstamp de1b0f14-33ec-4104-990c-75a88be443de))
(segment (start 154.702133 103.098976) (end 154.222133 103.578976) (width 0.175) (layer "F.Cu") (net 6) (tstamp e127cbcd-6ce5-4343-b717-da3edb16c7d2))
(segment (start 164.181157 113.03) (end 165.552757 114.4016) (width 0.175) (layer "F.Cu") (net 7) (tstamp 0337c958-f7a7-4b92-b00e-0257060d6e93))
(segment (start 163.8046 113.03) (end 164.181157 113.03) (width 0.175) (layer "F.Cu") (net 7) (tstamp 35e46c3e-e1bb-4029-95dc-b0fe0af52402))
(segment (start 166.9796 114.4016) (end 168.1226 115.5446) (width 0.175) (layer "F.Cu") (net 7) (tstamp 4082436c-ada6-49e4-95c1-79bd6e1b549e))
(segment (start 168.1226 115.5446) (end 169.235757 115.5446) (width 0.175) (layer "F.Cu") (net 7) (tstamp 4c534d1c-6d3e-4d51-86a5-275f134ac1fe))
(segment (start 169.235757 115.5446) (end 170.196133 116.504976) (width 0.175) (layer "F.Cu") (net 7) (tstamp 8f5ce906-b2e0-4a48-a910-b7efdc526650))
(segment (start 165.552757 114.4016) (end 166.9796 114.4016) (width 0.175) (layer "F.Cu") (net 7) (tstamp f7972703-e2a1-4f20-9c2e-dd37f7e75e0f))
(via (at 170.196133 116.504976) (size 0.4) (drill 0.2) (layers "F.Cu" "B.Cu") (net 7) (tstamp 98412287-7d5e-4856-9e97-768af2573431))
(via (at 163.8046 113.03) (size 0.4) (drill 0.2) (layers "F.Cu" "B.Cu") (net 7) (tstamp dc71446c-159c-49ac-a92a-f1448fccaf1c))
(via (at 177.002133 117.998976) (size 0.4) (drill 0.2) (layers "F.Cu" "B.Cu") (net 7) (tstamp e547f19f-6606-4b9d-8da8-0be0ae42dfea))
(segment (start 177.002133 117.998976) (end 176.757557 117.7544) (width 0.175) (layer "B.Cu") (net 7) (tstamp 0f27da1d-f29e-4460-bb2f-f211bc91436a))
(segment (start 157.986111 105.606529) (end 157.986111 105.935029) (width 0.175) (layer "B.Cu") (net 7) (tstamp 192d0f61-7d98-4233-8c18-8b24d127c81a))
(segment (start 163.027148 113.03) (end 161.770472 114.286676) (width 0.175) (layer "B.Cu") (net 7) (tstamp 2c9c8256-f33f-43b7-91b1-cf6662f22b8f))
(segment (start 160.544133 111.240976) (end 161.102133 111.798976) (width 0.175) (layer "B.Cu") (net 7) (tstamp 3b20115e-6db3-483f-9ff0-6dd7b666324d))
(segment (start 160.544133 109.646976) (end 160.544133 111.240976) (width 0.175) (layer "B.Cu") (net 7) (tstamp 454dd3ba-7306-4bb2-9b2d-34b7cce55857))
(segment (start 158.903866 108.006709) (end 160.544133 109.646976) (width 0.175) (layer "B.Cu") (net 7) (tstamp 5a7e1f41-5643-4e93-94e1-dc87c91faaa0))
(segment (start 172.809176 116.598976) (end 171.802133 116.598976) (width 0.175) (layer "B.Cu") (net 7) (tstamp 6c705d64-5d1f-47f6-aa21-126cc8dbba15))
(segment (start 161.102133 111.798976) (end 161.102133 113.46298) (width 0.175) (layer "B.Cu") (net 7) (tstamp 6d5354e3-5827-4935-a6d3-a2c22dcc1d49))
(segment (start 161.102133 113.46298) (end 161.814805 114.175652) (width 0.175) (layer "B.Cu") (net 7) (tstamp 6dcd9c30-fafb-479e-9b49-ce11c355a75d))
(segment (start 158.903866 107.124941) (end 158.903866 108.006709) (width 0.175) (layer "B.Cu") (net 7) (tstamp 750498e5-52a2-4979-9ea0-c35f62f48b84))
(segment (start 156.392197 104.012615) (end 157.986111 105.606529) (width 0.175) (layer "B.Cu") (net 7) (tstamp 77a4aa98-f915-4b8a-9763-489784c5e8e1))
(segment (start 156.392197 101.685299) (end 156.392197 104.012615) (width 0.175) (layer "B.Cu") (net 7) (tstamp 7f665db9-f18a-4160-9cf3-07d5b78eef36))
(segment (start 173.9646 117.7544) (end 172.809176 116.598976) (width 0.175) (layer "B.Cu") (net 7) (tstamp 84bd6b44-d373-4cad-a835-48e3a2f6cb6a))
(segment (start 156.122881 100.636889) (end 156.336476 101.498125) (width 0.175) (layer "B.Cu") (net 7) (tstamp 85a7325a-3b35-4f13-a08d-0d4c85f780ab))
(segment (start 176.757557 117.7544) (end 173.9646 117.7544) (width 0.175) (layer "B.Cu") (net 7) (tstamp 923a98bd-70f3-4d8e-9b83-12cd8ce70845))
(segment (start 154.602133 98.008976) (end 155.875866 99.282709) (width 0.175) (layer "B.Cu") (net 7) (tstamp aa58ccf2-ea53-456e-8f1e-9c30e3a26278))
(segment (start 157.986111 105.935029) (end 158.42744 106.376358) (width 0.175) (layer "B.Cu") (net 7) (tstamp b0483676-d6fe-4997-8dfd-28cb87b7e848))
(segment (start 155.949322 99.76669) (end 156.122881 100.636889) (width 0.175) (layer "B.Cu") (net 7) (tstamp dd87752e-8117-4b30-9a12-1921c8a77dc9))
(segment (start 163.8046 113.03) (end 163.027148 113.03) (width 0.175) (layer "B.Cu") (net 7) (tstamp ee4cdfed-713b-4046-b9f2-f72c5889a4eb))
(segment (start 156.336476 101.498125) (end 156.392197 101.685299) (width 0.175) (layer "B.Cu") (net 7) (tstamp f276898e-fc0a-44da-855c-ce455382a528))
(segment (start 155.875866 99.282709) (end 155.949322 99.76669) (width 0.175) (layer "B.Cu") (net 7) (tstamp f579e3fb-f6ed-4647-b953-7ed4cc80c772))
(segment (start 158.42744 106.376358) (end 158.903866 107.124941) (width 0.175) (layer "B.Cu") (net 7) (tstamp ff01917d-77b5-42c1-87a1-8e07c092f8a1))
(segment (start 166.048133 119.044976) (end 168.753041 119.044976) (width 0.175) (layer "F.Cu") (net 8) (tstamp 04b5c0cb-50a6-44ff-98c1-ec4009198026))
(segment (start 161.274633 114.873976) (end 161.877133 114.873976) (width 0.175) (layer "F.Cu") (net 8) (tstamp 0ee46e1c-d105-4f8f-a33a-272d9920a627))
(segment (start 174.092133 121.498976) (end 174.577133 121.013976) (width 0.175) (layer "F.Cu") (net 8) (tstamp 0f902edd-8138-4b70-b682-7388d55096b1))
(segment (start 171.207041 121.498976) (end 174.092133 121.498976) (width 0.175) (layer "F.Cu") (net 8) (tstamp 159d5ba5-38e8-43d9-a0fb-f6f8930c8e2d))
(segment (start 161.877133 114.873976) (end 166.048133 119.044976) (width 0.175) (layer "F.Cu") (net 8) (tstamp 4e3d0c37-2dc8-4d45-a732-769396685358))
(segment (start 158.502133 112.101476) (end 161.274633 114.873976) (width 0.175) (layer "F.Cu") (net 8) (tstamp 6120f75c-1bcd-4c16-960b-faa4119d1095))
(segment (start 168.753041 119.044976) (end 171.207041 121.498976) (width 0.175) (layer "F.Cu") (net 8) (tstamp 9204c7db-1f9d-4983-a3c8-69ab3f473ee4))
(segment (start 174.577133 121.013976) (end 174.577133 120.423976) (width 0.175) (layer "F.Cu") (net 8) (tstamp df9fb4de-b8fe-4035-bf53-c657cea8ab67))
(segment (start 194.602133 103.798976) (end 194.602133 104.798976) (width 0.175) (layer "F.Cu") (net 9) (tstamp 1b2d9c81-a227-466e-b31a-c447ffd38cef))
(segment (start 195.602133 102.798976) (end 194.602133 103.798976) (width 0.175) (layer "F.Cu") (net 9) (tstamp 410e6582-57fe-46c6-a94e-3bb8866d5c2d))
(via (at 194.602133 104.798976) (size 0.4) (drill 0.2) (layers "F.Cu" "B.Cu") (net 9) (tstamp 394f7745-3684-424d-aa6f-1546dda0f380))
(via (at 174.0408 116.7384) (size 0.4) (drill 0.2) (layers "F.Cu" "B.Cu") (net 9) (tstamp b5542453-3787-4469-b55e-5d1869959a13))
(segment (start 182.165262 114.187847) (end 182.927262 114.187847) (width 0.175) (layer "B.Cu") (net 9) (tstamp 0253d804-94ba-408f-a572-7a095bca2ad6))
(segment (start 177.056913 115.742976) (end 176.4284 116.371489) (width 0.175) (layer "B.Cu") (net 9) (tstamp 1a33e26b-5242-4c56-9ae8-cb24608ab19c))
(segment (start 184.689695 113.710976) (end 187.650134 110.750537) (width 0.175) (layer "B.Cu") (net 9) (tstamp 1c458766-8f9a-447d-a410-3c5bd09e62c7))
(segment (start 187.650134 110.750537) (end 188.297496 110.143709) (width 0.175) (layer "B.Cu") (net 9) (tstamp 1fb2125e-21fe-4be1-9a0e-e96e1942c551))
(segment (start 190.000224 108.398976) (end 191.002133 108.398976) (width 0.175) (layer "B.Cu") (net 9) (tstamp 298ffdc9-4538-4b76-83ee-5976e0650535))
(segment (start 188.916143 109.507578) (end 189.107395 109.291805) (width 0.175) (layer "B.Cu") (net 9) (tstamp 66fd8a57-2993-453e-952e-c28ade8dae19))
(segment (start 177.398424 115.742976) (end 177.659777 115.481623) (width 0.175) (layer "B.Cu") (net 9) (tstamp 7ca6440c-9f1f-4801-bd53-f7d845db2bbf))
(segment (start 178.215954 115.343155) (end 178.754556 115.234976) (width 0.175) (layer "B.Cu") (net 9) (tstamp 841f8efd-9e36-4246-b6e6-d9c9fbe9b285))
(segment (start 189.107395 109.291805) (end 190.000224 108.398976) (width 0.175) (layer "B.Cu") (net 9) (tstamp 968472dc-6bb7-4ee4-9a0c-a6e49610f43d))
(segment (start 180.776415 114.703464) (end 181.649645 114.703464) (width 0.175) (layer "B.Cu") (net 9) (tstamp 99335ac3-1c15-429e-8c9b-a92c8fe3f2c2))
(segment (start 180.244903 115.234976) (end 180.776415 114.703464) (width 0.175) (layer "B.Cu") (net 9) (tstamp ab0c7390-9af7-43c5-b060-2d2650b36b08))
(segment (start 176.4284 117.2972) (end 174.5996 117.2972) (width 0.175) (layer "B.Cu") (net 9) (tstamp abed49e4-9823-4d3e-8a21-827a57f69f72))
(segment (start 177.056913 115.742976) (end 177.398424 115.742976) (width 0.175) (layer "B.Cu") (net 9) (tstamp bbd004db-c9d3-4513-99e4-3b9958656e21))
(segment (start 177.659777 115.481623) (end 178.077486 115.481623) (width 0.175) (layer "B.Cu") (net 9) (tstamp bdb08dfe-52d9-455e-8ce7-ea3f30660d96))
(segment (start 178.754556 115.234976) (end 180.244903 115.234976) (width 0.175) (layer "B.Cu") (net 9) (tstamp c0f5f2f5-d040-4637-b224-2a0d3586e16b))
(segment (start 188.297496 110.143709) (end 188.916143 109.507578) (width 0.175) (layer "B.Cu") (net 9) (tstamp c24af55a-0b47-4a3b-85af-585c772fdc14))
(segment (start 183.404133 113.710976) (end 184.689695 113.710976) (width 0.175) (layer "B.Cu") (net 9) (tstamp cdab8849-edd5-4993-9812-d8b8b1b76a30))
(segment (start 176.4284 116.371489) (end 176.4284 117.2972) (width 0.175) (layer "B.Cu") (net 9) (tstamp d3159b3f-cbb5-4b0c-bcbe-71fadbb7a820))
(segment (start 174.5996 117.2972) (end 174.0408 116.7384) (width 0.175) (layer "B.Cu") (net 9) (tstamp e42cecfd-7122-4164-bf82-7995aabc3852))
(segment (start 181.649645 114.703464) (end 182.165262 114.187847) (width 0.175) (layer "B.Cu") (net 9) (tstamp e54e4894-a72a-4a08-ab34-a46ebf708f1c))
(segment (start 182.927262 114.187847) (end 183.404133 113.710976) (width 0.175) (layer "B.Cu") (net 9) (tstamp e924b70e-8000-42c6-88aa-52a8fd76b148))
(segment (start 191.002133 108.398976) (end 194.602133 104.798976) (width 0.175) (layer "B.Cu") (net 9) (tstamp f450adb2-6114-4053-97b9-1f3b453c9c41))
(segment (start 178.077486 115.481623) (end 178.215954 115.343155) (width 0.175) (layer "B.Cu") (net 9) (tstamp fbc5628a-a22a-48b2-981f-2b340d769b23))
(segment (start 165.780828 114.0996) (end 167.2364 114.0996) (width 0.175) (layer "F.Cu") (net 10) (tstamp 0062f42c-7cd4-4599-9af4-4bb13596e495))
(segment (start 175.077133 115.823976) (end 175.077133 116.573976) (width 0.175) (layer "F.Cu") (net 10) (tstamp 01c03fdc-9caf-4801-87e2-4faabaf7bd53))
(segment (start 157.750133 106.852976) (end 162.312475 111.415318) (width 0.175) (layer "F.Cu") (net 10) (tstamp 13fd0688-6515-4b7f-a08b-c5979ab2126d))
(segment (start 171.45 115.57) (end 171.494758 115.614758) (width 0.175) (layer "F.Cu") (net 10) (tstamp 515b142b-9dda-4b50-8553-d8900b8605fa))
(segment (start 162.846222 111.415318) (end 163.614604 112.1837) (width 0.175) (layer "F.Cu") (net 10) (tstamp 54734dfb-0de2-4a4a-b79f-5df64b195f1f))
(segment (start 174.66285 115.639798) (end 174.889945 115.636788) (width 0.175) (layer "F.Cu") (net 10) (tstamp 598fe06e-e3b6-4e6e-acd5-ac23db96dc73))
(segment (start 174.889945 115.636788) (end 175.077133 115.823976) (width 0.175) (layer "F.Cu") (net 10) (tstamp 9a39e50b-a3de-43c6-829a-f8f6c636cb58))
(segment (start 163.614604 112.1837) (end 163.864928 112.1837) (width 0.175) (layer "F.Cu") (net 10) (tstamp 9b28783b-4f2b-44a6-8716-f131863c0474))
(segment (start 168.3004 115.1636) (end 170.621708 115.1636) (width 0.175) (layer "F.Cu") (net 10) (tstamp a15ab73a-7306-4350-9145-6283b61bd2cd))
(segment (start 173.903932 115.614758) (end 174.66285 115.639798) (width 0.175) (layer "F.Cu") (net 10) (tstamp aed5d863-d40c-48d4-907c-88f8d7f184ed))
(segment (start 167.2364 114.0996) (end 168.3004 115.1636) (width 0.175) (layer "F.Cu") (net 10) (tstamp b911fe25-84b2-4aba-a22a-0e37c7a74bf3))
(segment (start 170.621708 115.1636) (end 171.028108 115.57) (width 0.175) (layer "F.Cu") (net 10) (tstamp cc1a3d43-1462-4819-b9b9-087b0077210a))
(segment (start 171.028108 115.57) (end 171.45 115.57) (width 0.175) (layer "F.Cu") (net 10) (tstamp d4ff9ef6-fdb6-4075-a38e-0105cf953f1c))
(segment (start 163.864928 112.1837) (end 165.780828 114.0996) (width 0.175) (layer "F.Cu") (net 10) (tstamp fa34ed24-380d-46ea-8643-066b9ce46a09))
(segment (start 171.494758 115.614758) (end 173.903932 115.614758) (width 0.175) (layer "F.Cu") (net 10) (tstamp fa3dffee-89f2-4831-9a4c-5128298a5d38))
(segment (start 162.312475 111.415318) (end 162.846222 111.415318) (width 0.175) (layer "F.Cu") (net 10) (tstamp fe29d581-cf4e-46b6-a480-308956defe78))
(via (at 157.750133 106.852976) (size 0.4) (drill 0.2) (layers "F.Cu" "B.Cu") (net 10) (tstamp ea48fc3f-a31a-4247-90f5-46d6121b9a09))
(segment (start 157.750133 106.852976) (end 157.154133 107.448976) (width 0.175) (layer "B.Cu") (net 10) (tstamp 9cea8e94-3a24-4287-a563-23e6415162b7))
(segment (start 157.154133 107.448976) (end 154.602133 107.448976) (width 0.175) (layer "B.Cu") (net 10) (tstamp b9386578-ffa1-400a-8705-f4d71e41d1d7))
(segment (start 194.580133 103.296976) (end 193.929 103.948109) (width 0.175) (layer "F.Cu") (net 11) (tstamp 281aeffe-37b4-4e31-90d5-782093a832bb))
(segment (start 176.452133 116.198976) (end 176.077133 116.573976) (width 0.175) (layer "F.Cu") (net 11) (tstamp 6be83f80-0e77-47b8-99b1-7f6079b1bfa5))
(segment (start 193.929 105.472109) (end 184.420133 114.980976) (width 0.175) (layer "F.Cu") (net 11) (tstamp 75b07221-c855-405e-bad4-5caa55b4f32e))
(segment (start 193.929 103.948109) (end 193.929 105.472109) (width 0.175) (layer "F.Cu") (net 11) (tstamp 83912621-fe4c-4574-9602-8fd95f60abb9))
(segment (start 180.402133 116.198976) (end 176.452133 116.198976) (width 0.175) (layer "F.Cu") (net 11) (tstamp 93357cea-b4fb-4712-b7d7-12cf3b811bc7))
(segment (start 194.580133 94.820976) (end 194.580133 103.296976) (width 0.175) (layer "F.Cu") (net 11) (tstamp b5d43214-87db-402d-97b2-13165c36bebb))
(segment (start 181.620133 114.980976) (end 180.402133 116.198976) (width 0.175) (layer "F.Cu") (net 11) (tstamp d3f24502-2037-4ccb-9472-fbb2fc072cdc))
(segment (start 195.602133 93.798976) (end 194.580133 94.820976) (width 0.175) (layer "F.Cu") (net 11) (tstamp eaa8d43c-7a7a-4aab-9993-a9c098358a14))
(segment (start 184.420133 114.980976) (end 181.620133 114.980976) (width 0.175) (layer "F.Cu") (net 11) (tstamp ec350069-0ec2-4d55-ab22-6647e0dfedba))
(segment (start 156.327387 90.073722) (end 156.327387 88.261722) (width 0.175) (layer "F.Cu") (net 12) (tstamp 048ae46d-0c39-4456-b5d5-b589574060e5))
(segment (start 181.225687 116.175422) (end 178.902133 118.498976) (width 0.175) (layer "F.Cu") (net 12) (tstamp 0cf9a502-f9bd-4e04-a427-4edaba76ce44))
(segment (start 183.404133 115.691976) (end 182.920687 116.175422) (width 0.175) (layer "F.Cu") (net 12) (tstamp 0e02dcab-a7ee-45ca-9e77-65fd0af31f0a))
(segment (start 156.327387 88.261722) (end 158.496 86.093109) (width 0.175) (layer "F.Cu") (net 12) (tstamp 15cff1bb-b803-446d-901a-cf6e545f81c2))
(segment (start 193.310133 87.802976) (end 193.310133 86.278976) (width 0.175) (layer "F.Cu") (net 12) (tstamp 165cce6c-3d2b-4482-a9d5-df4d2271f125))
(segment (start 154.302133 96.445111) (end 155.464133 97.607111) (width 0.175) (layer "F.Cu") (net 12) (tstamp 1b3cfa08-bdc2-4b0c-b9fc-e5c705597377))
(segment (start 195.850133 90.342976) (end 193.310133 87.802976) (width 0.175) (layer "F.Cu") (net 12) (tstamp 1b6a7bc8-5c13-4e29-8117-8a4f2d35e03d))
(segment (start 189.399633 111.086476) (end 184.794133 115.691976) (width 0.175) (layer "F.Cu") (net 12) (tstamp 20c20768-442f-4184-bb18-ff73a58463ce))
(segment (start 196.866133 93.807476) (end 196.866133 93.390976) (width 0.175) (layer "F.Cu") (net 12) (tstamp 24e7a038-2b29-488e-b5b3-7a7757853598))
(segment (start 168.822133 118.348976) (end 169.042082 118.348976) (width 0.175) (layer "F.Cu") (net 12) (tstamp 269a5eb4-19dc-4f76-8ba1-27571a9b6c77))
(segment (start 155.210133 93.690976) (end 154.302133 94.598976) (width 0.175) (layer "F.Cu") (net 12) (tstamp 2f39bb7f-a128-4e7b-bad5-7bf4958ebcbe))
(segment (start 154.702133 104.068976) (end 154.702133 105.628976) (width 0.175) (layer "F.Cu") (net 12) (tstamp 34d5f40e-7b1f-437d-86ff-b303adb75c01))
(segment (start 195.602133 95.071476) (end 195.602133 98.984976) (width 0.175) (layer "F.Cu") (net 12) (tstamp 4d439fa0-bf5c-4a4c-83fb-6d418a77b441))
(segment (start 184.794133 115.691976) (end 183.404133 115.691976) (width 0.175) (layer "F.Cu") (net 12) (tstamp 59ec7e35-5e10-46f9-89e6-6242630dc557))
(segment (start 155.464133 97.607111) (end 155.464133 103.306976) (width 0.175) (layer "F.Cu") (net 12) (tstamp 5c1716f1-e3a0-4776-8ea5-7f05105e05ce))
(segment (start 165.021711 79.140075) (end 165.326613 78.990214) (width 0.175) (layer "F.Cu") (net 12) (tstamp 5e1208c3-df6b-4d0d-8eb8-274745c3345c))
(segment (start 155.464133 103.306976) (end 154.702133 104.068976) (width 0.175) (layer "F.Cu") (net 12) (tstamp 600ef7d9-376a-44cb-9a7d-66c849087104))
(segment (start 191.202133 111.086476) (end 189.399633 111.086476) (width 0.175) (layer "F.Cu") (net 12) (tstamp 63d02d4d-a40d-46c7-bbcb-592d114ebcd1))
(segment (start 169.042082 118.348976) (end 170.892082 120.198976) (width 0.175) (layer "F.Cu") (net 12) (tstamp 64fbb2a2-3f8c-4b45-8000-3c08225f1ad1))
(segment (start 170.892082 120.198976) (end 171.602133 120.198976) (width 0.175) (layer "F.Cu") (net 12) (tstamp 6a5c9243-9912-41aa-938e-b67d5a74fd7d))
(segment (start 195.602133 98.984976) (end 196.866133 100.248976) (width 0.175) (layer "F.Cu") (net 12) (tstamp 724bab92-db9e-4e2e-9038-d259db34c671))
(segment (start 196.866133 102.807476) (end 195.602133 104.071476) (width 0.175) (layer "F.Cu") (net 12) (tstamp 843af5b2-14c8-4f99-bee6-94fcfea28289))
(segment (start 195.602133 95.071476) (end 196.866133 93.807476) (width 0.175) (layer "F.Cu") (net 12) (tstamp 85ee35eb-3742-4236-9ef9-daf24f36dd95))
(segment (start 195.602133 106.686476) (end 191.202133 111.086476) (width 0.175) (layer "F.Cu") (net 12) (tstamp 8756444e-aaf9-414b-9606-295a8f5c0a53))
(segment (start 196.866133 100.248976) (end 196.866133 102.807476) (width 0.175) (layer "F.Cu") (net 12) (tstamp 8a6c0d20-abc4-4b5c-94bb-7edd3d7bb964))
(segment (start 155.210133 91.606976) (end 155.210133 93.690976) (width 0.175) (layer "F.Cu") (net 12) (tstamp 92dfa09c-f206-4d2e-8f77-7a86ad17573c))
(segment (start 158.496 86.093109) (end 158.496 85.665786) (width 0.175) (layer "F.Cu") (net 12) (tstamp 962af6db-adda-46e5-aa1a-ab58917e3b19))
(segment (start 196.866133 93.390976) (end 195.850133 92.374976) (width 0.175) (layer "F.Cu") (net 12) (tstamp 9eb09ae6-a83c-4fb8-9e3f-33a0c6885503))
(segment (start 165.326613 78.990214) (end 165.420141 78.948976) (width 0.175) (layer "F.Cu") (net 12) (tstamp a1b20e9b-b170-4688-a400-506b95709b2d))
(segment (start 182.920687 116.175422) (end 181.225687 116.175422) (width 0.175) (layer "F.Cu") (net 12) (tstamp a5a13e9d-2fa8-4112-8988-38e686318ae6))
(segment (start 155.002133 91.398976) (end 156.327387 90.073722) (width 0.175) (layer "F.Cu") (net 12) (tstamp a9f6aea4-3371-458f-a865-839b06159193))
(segment (start 164.302133 115.228976) (end 165.702133 115.228976) (width 0.175) (layer "F.Cu") (net 12) (tstamp b461ba5e-4cf4-43d3-8f77-014b55ff5267))
(segment (start 158.496 85.665786) (end 165.021711 79.140075) (width 0.175) (layer "F.Cu") (net 12) (tstamp b4ed3112-7bd4-45ff-b91d-7abd4e28f1f6))
(segment (start 154.302133 94.598976) (end 154.302133 96.445111) (width 0.175) (layer "F.Cu") (net 12) (tstamp b927acf3-8f3f-440c-bafd-2caa3797fbda))
(segment (start 165.702133 115.228976) (end 168.822133 118.348976) (width 0.175) (layer "F.Cu") (net 12) (tstamp bcf5db40-e53f-4a37-8dc1-28ba0e81d438))
(segment (start 158.302133 109.628976) (end 158.502133 109.428976) (width 0.175) (layer "F.Cu") (net 12) (tstamp bef1f5cc-f9a1-4ce5-9f0b-6d7b57197eeb))
(segment (start 195.602133 104.071476) (end 195.602133 106.686476) (width 0.175) (layer "F.Cu") (net 12) (tstamp c25f20c8-2fed-462d-ad48-15521479c0fe))
(segment (start 158.302133 110.326476) (end 158.302133 109.628976) (width 0.175) (layer "F.Cu") (net 12) (tstamp c8055d1c-8caa-48a1-8bf1-d7098f67f91a))
(segment (start 158.502133 109.428976) (end 164.302133 115.228976) (width 0.175) (layer "F.Cu") (net 12) (tstamp ceb3e9de-964b-4706-9669-07a64ae1272b))
(segment (start 177.002133 118.498976) (end 175.077133 118.498976) (width 0.175) (layer "F.Cu") (net 12) (tstamp d03a2276-22c9-4980-957b-bf3e8ac0387f))
(segment (start 193.310133 86.278976) (end 191.989133 84.957976) (width 0.175) (layer "F.Cu") (net 12) (tstamp d3fd3f68-df19-46ea-a453-1e339e797c70))
(segment (start 165.420141 78.948976) (end 166.352133 78.948976) (width 0.175) (layer "F.Cu") (net 12) (tstamp dcc51972-0638-4653-8283-0257d140228e))
(segment (start 195.850133 92.374976) (end 195.850133 90.342976) (width 0.175) (layer "F.Cu") (net 12) (tstamp e8b02d7b-864b-4155-8158-472e385d2863))
(segment (start 178.902133 118.498976) (end 177.002133 118.498976) (width 0.175) (layer "F.Cu") (net 12) (tstamp f1f01030-b47d-452d-a4d7-f86fcc650669))
(segment (start 154.702133 105.628976) (end 158.502133 109.428976) (width 0.175) (layer "F.Cu") (net 12) (tstamp f30cd76d-b0e3-4112-8012-01c044f32de2))
(segment (start 155.002133 91.398976) (end 155.210133 91.606976) (width 0.175) (layer "F.Cu") (net 12) (tstamp f66b9f03-859c-4489-bc21-c9c2d80ad986))
(via (at 175.402133 118.898976) (size 0.4) (drill 0.2) (layers "F.Cu" "B.Cu") (net 12) (tstamp 23e094f7-9306-4eb2-b829-22601229664a))
(via (at 171.602133 120.198976) (size 0.4) (drill 0.2) (layers "F.Cu" "B.Cu") (net 12) (tstamp 57837d8a-e12f-4811-923f-2b32e736f974))
(via (at 155.002133 91.398976) (size 0.4) (drill 0.2) (layers "F.Cu" "B.Cu") (net 12) (tstamp 6c909fa0-a208-4045-8681-f735aae1a6a9))
(segment (start 171.602133 120.198976) (end 172.902133 118.898976) (width 0.175) (layer "B.Cu") (net 12) (tstamp 250e1d25-f8b2-4709-a05d-e421e0dd86db))
(segment (start 172.902133 118.898976) (end 175.402133 118.898976) (width 0.175) (layer "B.Cu") (net 12) (tstamp b95e4787-2b58-473d-8a67-feedb225bbf1))
(segment (start 154.602133 95.648976) (end 154.602133 93.288976) (width 0.175) (layer "B.Cu") (net 12) (tstamp bcf8d0f1-a8c2-432c-a0cd-775ceee107a5))
(segment (start 155.002133 91.398976) (end 155.002133 92.888976) (width 0.175) (layer "B.Cu") (net 12) (tstamp cde17d5a-bc5d-4b95-ba67-686dd10b41aa))
(segment (start 155.002133 92.888976) (end 154.602133 93.288976) (width 0.175) (layer "B.Cu") (net 12) (tstamp ed6e5597-a08f-4f1d-8e5c-6bf3501af4dd))
(segment (start 176.077133 120.861976) (end 176.077133 120.423976) (width 0.175) (layer "F.Cu") (net 13) (tstamp 0ad67824-9abf-4b4f-8fff-40e500405658))
(segment (start 174.96771 122.1486) (end 175.088633 122.269523) (width 0.175) (layer "F.Cu") (net 13) (tstamp 1acfe231-9f04-42c9-ab4d-32a5a0aafd91))
(segment (start 153.686133 106.137333) (end 156.480133 108.931333) (width 0.175) (layer "F.Cu") (net 13) (tstamp 1bc89ec7-3260-48ab-a507-68a17936c03a))
(segment (start 170.251757 122.1486) (end 174.96771 122.1486) (width 0.175) (layer "F.Cu") (net 13) (tstamp 223ac4e0-a8c6-4958-9444-d5b59e5dd4a0))
(segment (start 175.088633 122.269523) (end 175.088633 122.295852) (width 0.175) (layer "F.Cu") (net 13) (tstamp 259749cb-b86e-4500-b731-9310f7521729))
(segment (start 175.971633 122.295852) (end 175.971633 122.286668) (width 0.175) (layer "F.Cu") (net 13) (tstamp 2a84c488-e104-4dde-95bc-f6305a39fc31))
(segment (start 153.178133 105.456516) (end 153.686133 105.964516) (width 0.175) (layer "F.Cu") (net 13) (tstamp 2ffec811-eb85-4faf-95f9-35fca34dd37d))
(segment (start 154.202133 91.698976) (end 153.3144 92.586709) (width 0.175) (layer "F.Cu") (net 13) (tstamp 312b9573-94c1-4ae3-8b91-49837b1c0f09))
(segment (start 156.480133 113.176976) (end 157.118976 113.176976) (width 0.175) (layer "F.Cu") (net 13) (tstamp 339f8ddd-2dbc-4923-ad17-580f90ea2092))
(segment (start 153.3144 92.586709) (end 153.3144 93.923138) (width 0.175) (layer "F.Cu") (net 13) (tstamp 449f4a49-f7dd-4c2b-ba05-e28bcc75daf4))
(segment (start 154.202133 91.350976) (end 154.202133 91.698976) (width 0.175) (layer "F.Cu") (net 13) (tstamp 5c161b74-6d8c-4cb1-abc5-e64d1590d906))
(segment (start 156.480133 108.931333) (end 156.480133 113.176976) (width 0.175) (layer "F.Cu") (net 13) (tstamp 60536448-9e58-4778-af5b-1f62d3e0d660))
(segment (start 175.088633 122.295852) (end 175.347257 122.554476) (width 0.175) (layer "F.Cu") (net 13) (tstamp 61be945c-59c7-4cdf-bc16-07820b4bea3d))
(segment (start 157.48 85.674) (end 155.972133 87.181867) (width 0.175) (layer "F.Cu") (net 13) (tstamp 69687ee2-f1b0-40e6-a204-ed619039ab6b))
(segment (start 176.292133 121.076976) (end 176.077133 120.861976) (width 0.175) (layer "F.Cu") (net 13) (tstamp 6c2e4122-641c-4978-86f2-ab7e5f602178))
(segment (start 164.924614 120.314976) (end 166.132133 120.314976) (width 0.175) (layer "F.Cu") (net 13) (tstamp 73deb18e-3715-4260-a963-4a4152d61dc0))
(segment (start 169.232957 121.1298) (end 170.251757 122.1486) (width 0.175) (layer "F.Cu") (net 13) (tstamp 76e6ec16-1330-4cb5-9743-ff0d64b29e63))
(segment (start 163.294163 119.352163) (end 163.961801 119.352163) (width 0.175) (layer "F.Cu") (net 13) (tstamp 77e0e6bc-563a-4aef-b353-10e580a26018))
(segment (start 166.132133 120.314976) (end 166.894133 121.076976) (width 0.175) (layer "F.Cu") (net 13) (tstamp 898d95ae-231f-4e3c-929d-73cea3bad3ae))
(segment (start 175.347257 122.554476) (end 175.713009 122.554476) (width 0.175) (layer "F.Cu") (net 13) (tstamp 909ee87e-3238-496e-b2ed-1de13e15f865))
(segment (start 176.292133 121.966168) (end 176.292133 121.076976) (width 0.175) (layer "F.Cu") (net 13) (tstamp b512877a-731d-404f-8871-2c4b2f7a8b1f))
(segment (start 155.972133 87.181867) (end 155.972133 89.580976) (width 0.175) (layer "F.Cu") (net 13) (tstamp c0613de9-b2ad-4a16-bf99-91961a2e356b))
(segment (start 155.972133 89.580976) (end 154.202133 91.350976) (width 0.175) (layer "F.Cu") (net 13) (tstamp c298e213-5d70-473f-9ffd-fb630ee77c0c))
(segment (start 175.713009 122.554476) (end 175.971633 122.295852) (width 0.175) (layer "F.Cu") (net 13) (tstamp c3c53bbd-4210-4f1a-9794-8dd3b40702be))
(segment (start 167.708957 121.1298) (end 169.232957 121.1298) (width 0.175) (layer "F.Cu") (net 13) (tstamp d62b022e-336d-43ed-890a-b6b041e8d573))
(segment (start 167.656133 121.076976) (end 167.708957 121.1298) (width 0.175) (layer "F.Cu") (net 13) (tstamp dfd51f37-6c06-4e32-86c5-9c5fcf57971c))
(segment (start 157.118976 113.176976) (end 163.294163 119.352163) (width 0.175) (layer "F.Cu") (net 13) (tstamp e736569c-e6bc-4170-a5d5-f43d8abfc207))
(segment (start 166.894133 121.076976) (end 167.656133 121.076976) (width 0.175) (layer "F.Cu") (net 13) (tstamp ec1a7054-5b10-464b-af62-8fc65750acd3))
(segment (start 153.686133 105.964516) (end 153.686133 106.137333) (width 0.175) (layer "F.Cu") (net 13) (tstamp f0607bc5-2504-4d9c-bd21-8602d7bc43ac))
(segment (start 153.3144 93.923138) (end 153.178133 94.059405) (width 0.175) (layer "F.Cu") (net 13) (tstamp f1f972f5-eacf-4135-820d-8b7cafa32ef8))
(segment (start 175.971633 122.286668) (end 176.292133 121.966168) (width 0.175) (layer "F.Cu") (net 13) (tstamp fb1560e9-3bbe-4668-bf45-45e634f5fe56))
(segment (start 153.178133 94.059405) (end 153.178133 105.456516) (width 0.175) (layer "F.Cu") (net 13) (tstamp fc1bc93b-b65f-4df7-a0e4-1e96ff26d1cc))
(segment (start 163.961801 119.352163) (end 164.924614 120.314976) (width 0.175) (layer "F.Cu") (net 13) (tstamp fcd1e43c-b96a-4735-b21d-662c589ade14))
(segment (start 191.902133 86.532976) (end 192.659 87.289843) (width 0.175) (layer "F.Cu") (net 14) (tstamp 1559a269-b45c-41d8-a962-de47a84ccc71))
(segment (start 180.339685 115.798976) (end 176.017719 115.798976) (width 0.175) (layer "F.Cu") (net 14) (tstamp 49146004-cd59-453d-9ea1-ef5ae58583a6))
(segment (start 176.017719 115.798976) (end 175.577133 116.239562) (width 0.175) (layer "F.Cu") (net 14) (tstamp 71ef377d-d1d5-4f50-92f8-6050ac19908d))
(segment (start 192.659 88.421843) (end 194.072133 89.834976) (width 0.175) (layer "F.Cu") (net 14) (tstamp 83692323-450f-4821-96a3-07ba4cdd67c4))
(segment (start 181.484685 114.653976) (end 180.339685 115.798976) (width 0.175) (layer "F.Cu") (net 14) (tstamp 8486ce98-1048-4c4b-9c56-112267cc437b))
(segment (start 193.564133 103.550976) (end 193.564133 105.336976) (width 0.175) (layer "F.Cu") (net 14) (tstamp 90b4a805-93cc-49b1-bcf1-05995c585700))
(segment (start 194.072133 103.042976) (end 193.564133 103.550976) (width 0.175) (layer "F.Cu") (net 14) (tstamp c5d415d2-a4eb-4625-866b-13454f8ccec4))
(segment (start 193.564133 105.336976) (end 184.247133 114.653976) (width 0.175) (layer "F.Cu") (net 14) (tstamp e175b27e-de4b-47c7-ab0a-1b3172664cf9))
(segment (start 175.577133 116.239562) (end 175.577133 116.348456) (width 0.175) (layer "F.Cu") (net 14) (tstamp e2e3612e-6039-48ad-8a4a-bb2c5cb9bde5))
(segment (start 192.659 87.289843) (end 192.659 88.421843) (width 0.175) (layer "F.Cu") (net 14) (tstamp e9e57a82-6f8e-4672-b4ab-e78a38276cf9))
(segment (start 194.072133 89.834976) (end 194.072133 103.042976) (width 0.175) (layer "F.Cu") (net 14) (tstamp f6ef3f3a-2b96-4a7e-80f3-fc511f6d72b8))
(segment (start 184.247133 114.653976) (end 181.484685 114.653976) (width 0.175) (layer "F.Cu") (net 14) (tstamp f91cada3-6063-4c1e-bd8e-143269be0aeb))
(segment (start 187.468133 81.452976) (end 186.452133 80.436976) (width 0.175) (layer "F.Cu") (net 15) (tstamp 0795ace6-61f5-4f21-b930-80c60e05921d))
(segment (start 187.976133 81.452976) (end 187.468133 81.452976) (width 0.175) (layer "F.Cu") (net 15) (tstamp 0b7337e3-ee67-40de-9470-6f8294966dd5))
(segment (start 190.602133 84.198976) (end 190.602133 84.078976) (width 0.175) (layer "F.Cu") (net 15) (tstamp 0bfcef0a-7930-45d8-9b8c-7fcd7c5dddc2))
(segment (start 186.452133 80.436976) (end 186.198133 80.436976) (width 0.175) (layer "F.Cu") (net 15) (tstamp 0fbcfcab-60ae-4aa5-a438-64b81b34b03f))
(segment (start 186.198133 80.436976) (end 185.436133 79.674976) (width 0.175) (layer "F.Cu") (net 15) (tstamp 3a6104cb-ad89-4272-a676-a417f178c124))
(segment (start 190.602133 84.078976) (end 187.976133 81.452976) (width 0.175) (layer "F.Cu") (net 15) (tstamp 52b505fd-cbc9-4d2e-a6c0-ba84d3f4b387))
(segment (start 185.436133 79.674976) (end 184.328133 79.674976) (width 0.175) (layer "F.Cu") (net 15) (tstamp 6ddf711e-90c1-4467-8cd6-eb7601e31d6b))
(segment (start 184.328133 79.674976) (end 183.602133 78.948976) (width 0.175) (layer "F.Cu") (net 15) (tstamp aec5383d-8095-4c09-8b1c-b1d9f8c6a57b))
(via (at 190.602133 84.198976) (size 0.4) (drill 0.2) (layers "F.Cu" "B.Cu") (net 15) (tstamp 00f1447b-a37a-4b33-a6c3-81d6ae4cdad0))
(segment (start 189.050632 117.836539) (end 188.637703 118.143784) (width 0.175) (layer "B.Cu") (net 15) (tstamp 03f209ab-37aa-4e19-88ee-078232da9b11))
(segment (start 188.637703 118.143784) (end 184.646941 118.143784) (width 0.175) (layer "B.Cu") (net 15) (tstamp 36e06c03-034e-4fbc-b327-03507f51d8ef))
(segment (start 190.602133 84.198976) (end 190.602133 84.861933) (width 0.175) (layer "B.Cu") (net 15) (tstamp 389ad042-a42f-44aa-820e-061547051b52))
(segment (start 195.102133 108.598976) (end 191.502133 112.198976) (width 0.175) (layer "B.Cu") (net 15) (tstamp 3e3f4190-807c-4234-9ea1-c9f582b004a3))
(segment (start 184.646941 118.143784) (end 183.102133 116.598976) (width 0.175) (layer "B.Cu") (net 15) (tstamp 53ce539d-a435-4be5-ad9f-2f637edaa095))
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(segment (start 195.102133 89.361933) (end 195.102133 108.598976) (width 0.175) (layer "B.Cu") (net 15) (tstamp 82e14971-295e-49d3-8cf7-c5000aa0b340))
(segment (start 190.602133 84.861933) (end 195.102133 89.361933) (width 0.175) (layer "B.Cu") (net 15) (tstamp b994963b-a099-44f7-8652-43c2479b8e84))
(segment (start 191.502133 112.198976) (end 191.502133 115.385038) (width 0.175) (layer "B.Cu") (net 15) (tstamp f16581fc-6203-4f49-ae2d-8544fcd30c67))