# Sunset Simulator ## Organization The code is separated into two parts: - GUI file: [app.py](app.py) - "header" file: [skydome.py](skydome.py) to use the gui first - set up the environment - run the code ## environment setup ### Windows ``` > python3 -m venv .venv > venv\Scripts\activate > pip install -r requirements.txt ``` ### Linux/Mac ``` > python3 -m venv .venv > source .venv/bin/activate > pip install -r requirements.txt ``` ## running the gui ``` > python app.py ``` Inside, you will need to - select the environment - choose the temperature (5 degrees is fine?) - choose the pressure (720 to 780 mmHg) - and select the location on the map (right click and "set as observer location") - or override the altitude manually