#credit to drkhsh for basically everything here, I dont think id be able to write this myself. go see him at www.drkhsh.at generate: markdown cp -r assets/* output/ awk 'BEGIN { FS = "="; OFS = "\t"; } /^created[ ]*=[ ]*/{ gsub(/^[ ]*/, "", $$2); print $$2 OFS FILENAME; }' pages/*.cfg | \ sort -r -t ' ' -k1,1r | \ cut -d ' ' -f 2- | \ tr '\n' '\0' | \ xargs -0 saait saait -t feeds/templates feeds/pages/atom.cfg md2html: mkdir -p output scripts/md2html.sh markdown: md2html bump: sed -Ei "s@^(siteupdated = ).*@\1`date +'%Y-%m-%d'`@" config.cfg